Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thai cooking for Africa

This is why Africa will never work. Recently, this week to be exact the Thai PM Samak Sundaravej is being urged to resign over a cookery course that he was presenting  on TV and receiving money.Just to add, there was also rioting in the streets.
 The dispute arises over the fact that the PM may not receive any monies whilst he is running the country other than the salary that he receives as a civil servant.
Now, ridiculous as it sounds to some it goes to prove the level or standard that some countries expect of their leaders especially when it comes to TRANSPARENCY and a word the ANC really have difficulty spelling.. H-O-N-E-S-T-Y. Two little words.

Now travel over to the south of Africa and what do we have? A president who is in eternal denial and who courts a corrupt b*stard like Mugabe. And a future president who, as explained on an earlier blog is up on corruption, fraud, racketeering and laundering charges. 
Now that he has done away with the Scorpions, the only government department capable of keeping Zuma in the hot seat, and for which he should be charged with defeating the ends of justice. All this to the support of all the nannys and idiots who run the ANC.

Sooooo, lets put this in perspective. One PM who is fighting for his political life because he was on a cooking show, the only thing he could be charged with is poisoning someone with his Thai green curry which he has not done so far.
 And on the other hand an African leader(s) who will stay in power and expect everyone to take them seriously- where are the riots? Hell no, so long as the masses put up with this type of ridiculous behaviour Africa will never work

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Things that Haunt Zuma

Our glorious, possible, future, corrupt excuse for a President, Jacob Zuma who faces a charge of Racketeering, four charges of Corruption, Money Laundering and 12 charges of fraud relating to a multi-million Rand Arms deal- Lets not forget the Rape charges that he had also against him, has once again got the ANC backing him. 
The ANC which once supposedly stood for Righteousness, Freedom and Justice now try to twist the ends of Justice for their own needs. By the disbanding of the Scorpions, the only organisation that had the power to bring Zuma to justice. Lets add another case against Zuma- defeating the ends of Justice!

With Zuma attempting to end the independence of the Courts and create a body that will regulate the Media this all smacks of a future where critics of Zuma and the government will be silenced- end of freedom of Speech.
Needless to say there are always two sides to a story however playing Devil's Advocate for a minute, if all of these charges are the work of some more underhand sinister plot by Mbeki who is a Xhosa, to oust a Zulu from the mainly Xhosa party then either way there is a problem- dirty tribal politics!

The Majority don't want to see the truth, they choose sides because it's tribal, whether or not their leader is wrong or right and that is the main problem.

The country will be the area of conflict and the prize is the hearts and minds of the Majority who mostly unemployed and worse off now then under the former regime will choose sides and more unrest and violence will occur. 
The question to ask as well is which civilized country does a potential criminal run for office? That is of course if you take G.W out of the equation.
The Constitution which is supposedly so liberal is a farce and the people that are suppose to adhere to it are the very same ones who abuse it.

Welcome to Darkest Africa where resolutions are hammered out through the barrel of a gun.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

2010 World Cup

In 1996 South Africa hosted the Africa World Cup. What a disaster! What most people did not see or hear was the mass dis-organisation that took place. Cars that were stolen from car lots where people were designated to park. The bus that got lost on way to the stadium. The lack of logistical planning that took place as to where and when people had to be. And the location of some much of the Cup which was in very dubious places indeed.
Fast forward to 2010......
Never has some much been given to so few who know so little. Whereas the Chinese might anticipate problems the SA government waits for them to happen and then moans and complains. But the Soccer body FIFA is sooooo ignorant and naive that they will have a total mess on their hands and still claim the Cup is a success just to save face.
The Africa Cup of Nations is going to be an excercise in absolute ignorance. The stadiums aren't even close to being finished and at the unlikely chance that they are, the crime will definitely NOT help.

This Government of incompetents will make out like it is their best hour yet- and as for FIFA, personally I am hoping they fall flat on their faces.

3rd World War Hypothesis

No-one from the latter half of the 19th century could ever have envisioned the wars that would plague the world at the first half of the 20th century. These wars first started with the 1st World War and become known as the "Great War". During the later conflict in 1939 both wars became known as the 2 World Wars. These Wars, these terrifying conflicts that took so many lives, caused untold misery and opened the Pandora's box to many later conflicts was unimaginable and unthinkable......but what of a 3rd World War?
How would the present South Africa under the ANC see this, who would they side with?

When America and Britain helped bring about the end of the "Apartheid era" the belief was that the ANC would side with them. The logic did not calculate, the ANC were supported by the Communists- the ANC were and are COMMUNISTS! What were the powers of the West thinking. They had lost an ally when they helped hand power over to the Terrorists.
As far as I am concerned this was brought about under the guise of "Racism" a well played card by the Russians and the ANC alike.

I believe things happen in cycles, what goes around inevitably comes around. Maybe not quite the same but close as dammit. Case and point the rise of Russia again.....who do the West think the ANC will side with in a war? Definitely not them! Russia is an old ally as Mbeki has made a point with Robert Mugabe, his old friend in arms.

All I can say is the West lost an ally an gained a wolf in sheep's clothing - Well done Mr. Bush snr. you out did your self again. And as for Mr. De klerk, well I am sure he had sleepless nights but we should have gone down fighting and not have ended up like Rhodesia- on the skids. 

Anyway maybe one day the old Terrorists will be helping their old friends and the West- who knows? Still screwing up everything as usual.

Monday, August 25, 2008

ANC Fronting for Robert Mugabe

This is a recent report that was released about South Africa fronting for Mr. Mugabe, makes interesting reading.

Parastatal PetroSA is dishing out oil deals to a consortium that includes foreign businessmen who have been fingered by the United Nations (UN) as fronts for Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe. Thamer Al Shanfari and his associates in the now defunct Oryx Natural Resources are founding shareholders of the local company, Middle East South Africa Energy (Mesa). But it has now emerged that the UN has accused Oryx Natural Resources of plundering in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and diverting the proceeds to the Zimbabwe Defence Force (ZDF) and to Mugabe. In addition, the US government last month issued an executive order banning its nationals or companies from doing business with Oryx or Al Shanfari - a listing the London-based businessman intends challenging. Announcing the ban, US president George W Bush ordered that assets of the individuals and entities identified as fronting for Mugabe that are within US jurisdiction be frozen. "Additionally, US persons are prohibited from conducting financial or commercial transactions with the individual or entities," he said.

Thabo Mabaso, spokesman for PetroSA, on Friday confirmed that the state oil company was doing business with Mesa, but said PetroSA was not aware of the allegations of fronting for Mugabe against anyone involved with the company. He said Mesa has been registered as a vendor with PetroSA and that it had been awarded a contract for an 8-million deal in January this year. Before this Mesa had landed a R1.2- billion deal from PetroSA. Mesa had scooped a contract to supply PetroSA with 30000 tons of oil condensate a month over two years. The deal ended in 2006. Al Shanfari and his associates hold their stake in Mesa through a Mauritius-based company, Pegasus. They initially held 49% of Mesa, along with South African companies Kovacs Investments (20%), Lithemba Investments (10%) and Chomulunga African (21%). Chomulunga has since withdrawn from Mesa. Mesa’s chief executive Bongani Raziya confirmed that Pegasus owned a stake in Mesa. However, he said he was not aware of its partners’ alleged activities in the DRC. Raziya said his company has nothing to do with Mugabe or his regime. "I know that Pegasus was supplying oil in the DRC," he said. Al Shanfari - through his London-based lawyers, The Khan Partnership - on Friday said he had resigned from Oryx in December 2002 and "have not been to Zimbabwe since then".

He added: "I have no wish to be associated with those who support the Mugabe regime." He said his inclusion on the US list of entities and people associated with Mugabe had damaged his reputation. He added that his lawyers were applying to have his name cleared, and that this included court action. All individuals or companies mentioned in the US order were given 30 days to show why they should not be listed. Meanwhile, it has been established that Al Shanfari’s business associates in Oryx included former Emir of Qatar Sheikh Khalifa and Issa Al Kawari, the former Information Minister of Qatar. Al Shanfari is now embroiled in a bitter row with Khalifa and Al Kawari over his 30% shareholding in Pegasus. Other Shareholders in Oryx are Kamal Khalfan, who is the honorary consul of the Sultanate of Oman in Zimbabwe. Neither of these three businessmen are listed in the US executive order. However, Khalfan, who maintains a close relationship with Mugabe, only last month facilitated the donation of Z1-trillion to a charitable trust belonging to Mugabe’s wife, Grace. Khalfan chairs the richest horse racing event in Zimbabwe, the Republic Cup, of which Mugabe is the patron. According to recent reports in the Zimbabwean government-owned newspaper, the Herald, the Republic Cup Trust last month also donated money to another unnamed trust nominated by Mugabe. In 2002 the UN reported that the DRC’s then president, Laurent Kabila, granted Zimbabwe a 2-billion diamond concession in the DRC to compensate it for having provided military support.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


People generally accept that if there is something that they can get that favours them and this includes giving up their principles and morals they generally don't have a problem with it. Whilst this applies to some people it does not necessarily apply to everyone.

This said and done it is amazing to see the Olympics sport body having given the 2008 Olympics to China. Everyone knows they have one of the world's worst track records when it comes to human rights, and that's just the beginning. Yesterday two old people in their 70's were sent to a "labour re-education camp" because they continuously were seeking police permission to stage a demonstration. 

I find it all ironic that while you can understand that Rogge and his team would give the Olympics to China due to the fact that the Chinese would get things done- they overlooked a few things which in my mind takes away their credibility and at the end of the day make them hypocrites for past actions. In a media statement Rogge stated that the sporting body is only representative of sport and that it does not represent politics well.......

In the 1970's the Olympic body imposed sanctions on South Africa, taking away any chance of our sportsmen and women ever getting a medal- regardless of the "spirit" of sportsmanship which took a back seat. Compared to China, South Africa was nothing in the arena of murder and misery. Back then there was no need for the Olympic body to need or want anything from South Africa, we were unmarketable! 
Have they posed sporting sanctions on Robert Mugabe for an oppressive regime- No! Why not? Technically the government has sanctions placed on it......!

To also have George Bush and the Japanese PM say in a newspaper article that sport and politics should not mix is utter and total hypocrisy. Given that politics knows no friends and ignorance is the drug of fools you would think people would remember or make the right decisions.

But hey, the Olympics are a success, Tibet is all but forgotten once again and money and political influence will walk all over the individual trying to make a difference in the name of common decency. Well done Mr. Rogge, maybe you should give the 2012 Olympics to Myanmar I am sure they could use slave labour to build a stadium.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Float like a butterfly, sting like B.E.E

With South Africa's Black Empowerment  policies there is no hope. Instead of creating jobs for people the ANC is taking away jobs and giving them to individuals who are not qualified for the position. So now what do we have? A whole lot of whites sick to death of everything and leaving the country in droves. What do the ANC do? They hire Algerians, Libyans, Poles ect. etc to work in South Africa. Bit of a waste if you ask me when they could just stop their bullshit. But then again the ANC don't create they destroy, they steal ideas and the best one so far....they shoot themselves in the foot- all to hold onto power.
When the National Party were in power they created a base of rich Afrikaners to maintain the economics of the country, the ANC's less than charismatic, Oliver Tambo studied that and came to the realisation that that was the way to go. 
Now, a few years down the line Mbeki has gone from implementing job opportunities where a certain percentage of staff for business's had to be black, this is  called Affirmative Action, to companies earning more than 250 000 rand per year having to implement the BEE (Black Equity Empowerment) policy and having to give 40% of the company to a black partner- qualified or not and whether they like  it or not in spite of it being racist, or as it is called "positive racism". I am still trying to see what is positive about it
 I think the ANC use the excuse of equal rights just to hold onto the economic powerbase as I explained earlier so that no-one and I mean no-one can take it away from them- checkmate!

So what could have been done? Well, South Africa could have spent a period of time putting up training faclities- decent universities, hired decent lecturers not dropped the level or standard of schools- you fail, too bad, and created training programs for blue-collar workers, slowly introducing them into the work market. Instead of taxing the whites to death they could have created an overall tax- now S.A. sits with the same problem as Egypt, most people are spending money in the informal sector but no-one is paying tax. Result- false economy. 
Lets not forget the Nelson Mandela bridge in Johannesburg which cost 80 million rand to build- when there was already a bridge there!!!! Very, very clever!  That money could have created more desperately needed jobs, but hey I dont know what I am talking about after all we need the Nelson Mandela bridge, the Nelson Mandela hospital, the Nelson Mandela prison and lets not forget the Nelson Mandela square.........hmmmm, I am sure they are going to change the name of the country to the only hero the ANC ever had, how about Mandelaland?

What of the Future for South Africans abroad?

No-one can really tell what will happen in the future, whether it be 2 years, 2 decades or 2 generations. As far as it goes with South Africans living overseas the chances are greater that they will be assimilated into the society of their choosing.
Case and study is a group of Boer soldiers that were captured by the British during the Second Boer War. Like most countries during wartime P.O.W's are removed sometimes as far from the battlefield as possible, in this case the South African soldiers were shipped to Argentina where, after the war they could not return, or at least the British did not give a damn and just left them there. This all happened before the Treaty of Versailles or before any boundaries were drawn up as to conduct in war.
The families of these soldiers still live in Argentina, they speak Spanish and still to this day carry Afrikaans names, they are very religious and still speak a type of Afrikaans that has become bastardised over time, yet the one thing that they all can sing and are taught is .......Sarie Marais, a song sung by the Boers during the Boer War.

Whilst air travel makes it easier to get around the question here is are we all aware what will become of us, do we know who we are and are we willing to give up our South African roots for another cultures? This is a question I ask my self a lot- I do not have the answer but I hope that one day I will.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Ignorance is bliss Mr. Mbeki

We now have Mr. mbeki, our gloriously with-it president who's astounding achievements have been anything but exemplary in the arena of living in the real world.
Whilst everyone is aware of his denial of AIDS, the crime situation and the problems facing Zimbabwe he has championed the cause of the downtrodden and very misunderstood Mr. Mugabe, who's enemies are England and The Western world and he shows his distaste of this by taking it out on his own people. But that is another story.....

 Mr. mbeki on the other hand is somewhat of an African G. Bush. With all his mistakes he still thinks he comes out smelling like a rose. The point of this blog, instead of stating the obvious is actually to ask the question.... whilst mbeki touts powersharing in Zimbabwe- would the ANC have settled for anything less in S.A. circa 1994?   I think not!

What we can deduce from this is that Mr. mbeki is still looking after his old friend- and that the real principles supposedly upheld by the ANC are null and void when it suits them after all, the rumours firsthand are, that after the failed Equatorial Guinea incident, Mr. mbeki received a handsome reward from Mr. Mugabe, somewhere in the region of a million dollars for ratting on the mercenaries involved, oh, that included a whole lot of South Africans-black and white who are now sitting in one of the dictator (who is also a friend of Mbeki) of E. Guineas' notorious prisons. I hope he has spent that blood money well.


William Shakespeare once wrote, the pen is mightier than the sword. In the case of South Africa this rings true. For 4 decades South Africa was at war, at home and internationally. Where the Old South African government waged bush war, members of the ANC were at the time exiled or imprisoned. For those who were in exile their benefactors were none other than the governments of the day, Sweden, Norway,  Cuba, various African countries and primarily Russia, who, at the time, bent on world domination funded a large portion of the ANC's financial needs and provided weapons which were turned on civilians and even the black population at large with bombing campaigns in the cities. Due to support from Russia and the ANC"S allies they created an international campaign which allowed themselves to be exposed as the fighters of justice, peace and equal rights. This said the ANC, a mainly communist body played the racist card to meet their end, unfortunately for the South African government at this time, it was the perfect recipe for disaster as the world became more aware of the term"apartheid" which was originally coined by Hendrik Verwoerd.
Due to this sympathy was in the ANC's favour whilst the old South African regime waged war on the fronts, the ANC waged war in the halls of the U.N. and in countries sympathetic to their cause. The ANC branches used every means possible to meet their ends including using photos of blacks sleeping in parks and then declaring to the world that the individual in the shot had indeed been killed by the police. Disinformation had found a new ally.

Eventually the ANC won out and the country was forced to take steps to allow the ANC to take power. However, what was thought to be a new beginning for all has escalated into absolute chaos. Murder is the order of the day, cities lie in ruin, becoming squatter camps, nothing is maintained and what used to be an orderly society and an almost 1st world country has descended into a dustbowl of litter, dirt, shanty towns and a society falling apart at the seams.

Now, the world suffers from Apartheid fatigue, no-one cares about the little old woman who is raped, stabbed has boiling water thrown over her and eventually and probably mercifully she is put out of her misery with a bullet to the head- her crime..........she is white. A lie? No, it happened and has happened to an old woman I knew and I have heard stories of other places where this has also occurred.

Where are the ANC now when they are suppose to protect and support everyone no matter what colour you are???
 Busy grooming their future leader, a convicted felon who is doing his best to dissolve any group who opposes his rise to stardom. 
The ANC have learnt well from their Russian masters,  yes, the pen is mightier than the sword. I think even Shakespeare would have a deep admiration for the ploys of the present government.